
Using our renowned philosophy Revolutionize Your Mind, also known as the RYM Philosophy, The Corporate Life Balancer program is designed for the immensely engaged upper executive level employee who needs the guidance to effectively manage their health, work and family.

Onsite – healthy lifestyle coaching:

CLB certified trainers first visit will be to assess your executive’s lifestyle (diet and exercise habits) and fill out a questionnaire with regard to their goals to that we can evaluate how to most effectively serve them. The goal is to see them win and be accessible to them along their journey by making weekly or monthly visits in an effort to keep them on track.

Professional Speakers

Corporate Life Balancer specializes in elevating the corporate experience through the power of eloquent and impactful oratory. Our roster of speakers brings an unparalleled depth of knowledge and experience, catering to a wide array of critical corporate themes including diversity and inclusion, health and wellness, and motivational strategies.

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“CLB’s Coach delivered an informative, thought provoking and engaging presentation on the importance of a healthy balanced lifestyle – including tips and tricks for achieving it! Her message was very relevant to the audience and the tips that she provided made sense and were easy to start implementing right away. We enjoyed having Angie present and everyone left with new ideas for how to better balance a healthy lifestyle with all the pressures of work and travel.”


Management Consulting

General management consultants that provide a full range of administrative, human resource, marketing, process, physical distribution, logistics, or other management consulting services to clients.

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Lifestyle and Time Management:

This program is designed Executive that needs continuous guidance in managing their time with work and family. The Executive will be matched with one of our fitness/lifestyle coaches to create a program that is tailor made for their specific lifestyle. The Executive will receive weekly one on one coaching sessions and follow up to help keep the Executive on the right track.

Nutrition Coaching:

This program is designed for the Executive that desires guidance in living a healthier “eating” lifestyle. Our certified Nutritionist and Food Coaches will educate the Executive on meal planning, choosing the best foods for their personal goals, whether it’s weight loss or just simply wanting to make healthier food choices. The nutrition coach will design a nutrition program specific to the Executive’s nutritional needs. Our Nutritionists and Food Coaches, will guide you to be aware and listen to your body after eating certain foods.

Fitness Coaching/Management:

This program is designed for the Executive that desires to be more physically fit. The Executive will be assigned a Personal Fitness Coach to meet with onsite at the Executives place of employment for their convenience or the Executive is more than welcome to attend their sessions at our facility located in Farmington Hills, Michigan.

“Professional and super motivating coaches! So glad we decided to bring them in to Jervis Webb. We are looking forward to utilizing ore of their great programs.”


Corporate Cardio Kickboxing Tour:

Experience the ultimate energy boost as CLB takes the excitement directly to your workplace or school. Our high-energy classes are set to the rhythm of upbeat, current music, ensuring an electrifying workout like no other.

But here’s the best part: We customize our sessions to suit your needs. Whether it’s team building, a corporate event, school spirit week, or community engagement like football halftime shows, CLB adapts to your vision.

We believe in leading the charge when it comes to getting your employees or students moving and having an absolute blast while doing it. Join us, and let’s ignite the spirit of wellness and fun together!” 


Employee Wellness & Team Building:

This program is designed to increase productivity, by promoting team work, trust and simpatico work environment, and simply bring out the best in each individual employee. These events are by appointment only and will last 2 to 3 hours.

If your company has its own training facility and meeting place where you prefer to have this event, one of our staff from CLB will come to you!


Special Programs


Journey to Lose

The destination is in sight and each day you move closer to it, but every journey has some sort of map to chart the way. Just like in real life, you’ll have a map and someone to ask for directions. We can’t call this a journey without clocking in some distance. You’ll get moving; it’s sweaty equity and before long it’ll be addictive. You’ll love simultaneously burning off stress and calories! We whole heartedly believe all success in this journey starts in the mind first, facing your obstacles daily, absorbing positivity, and starting each day off in the right zone every day. Learn More


Executive Golf Program

We realize during the Spring and Summer months, Executives attend a plethora of corporate golf events. We also realize that they are very competitive people who like to win! This program offers our Executive Golf Coach visiting your location to present to a large group of employees via lunch and learns or private settings. The presentation will speak to various ways the executive can become a top contender at their corporate golf events by focusing mainly on 3 main principles; Biomechanics, Strength and Conditioning and the Uniqueness of the Individuals Golf Game. This program also offers private sessions and biomechanics assessments.


Rock Your Kitchen Boot Camp

This special program consists of a team (Fitness Coach and Nutritionist) that will come to your facility to help foster a healthy work environment through guiding your employees to make the healthiest food choices by using our RYM Philosophy. It also includes recipes, hands on cooking preparation and they will receive their body fat percentage and BMI.

This program is also offered as a private in home program and includes all of the aforementioned activities. The team will visit the Executives home and lead them through cleaning out the fridge and cabinets of all unhealthy items. Our clients find this special program very valuable.